Sunday, January 23, 2011


People can be so lost, it just hurts. There's a church in Texas that supports homosexuality and has a video defending it on their website. A lot of what the guy is saying is basically that the Bible isn't infallible therefore we can't really trust it. He says the Bible was written by dozens of people over centuries with tons of different translation. That is absolutely correct. But then he says that that is why we can't really trust it. Yes, there are many different translations but they all basically say the same thing. All Scripture is inspired by God, how can we not trust it if we believe in God's power and sovereignty? And isn't the fact that the Bible was written by many different people of different cultures and time periods but it still has a consistent message throughout actually strengthen it? He then goes on to say that the Bible can't be read and understood completely by average readers but they have to be well-educated in order to do so. I am way less educated than Billy Graham and my pastors from home but I still am able to read the Bible and have God teach me through it. Martin Luther translated the Bible into common language so people could read it for themselves and not be fooled by false teachers.

I believe homosexuality is a sin just as much as lying, cheating, and murdering. And no, my heterosexuality doesn't save me and someone's homosexuality won't prevent them from knowing God. But in the presence of God, is it really something to argue with him about, defending homosexuality? Especially when the Bible openly says it's wrong. I'm afraid to defend my lying and cheating to him because in his eyes, it's all impurity. One thing I love about Christ is his love and mercy despite our faults. "Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace?" (Romans 6:1)

The Bible is God-breathed, we can't just ignore it or rationalize out of what it is saying.

I believe my lying is on the same level sin-wise in God's eyes as homosexuality. I know lying is wrong but I slip up sometimes. I know some people struggle with homosexuality. That won't prevent them from being a Christian anymore than someone who struggles with lying. But if someone can take a verse from the Bible:

Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10

and rationalize that practicing homosexuality really doesn't count because of this and this and this and this, can we also rationalize out of sexual sin, worship idols, and the rest?

I don't know everything. I suck just as much as everyone else. I lie and cheat and steal and sin but God loves me and doesn't want me to sit in my sin. He wants to transform my life and have me turn from my sin to follow him.

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