Sunday, January 23, 2011


I suck as a blogger. I don't have anything particularly inspirational or life-changing to say. I read through a friend's entire blog today and cried several times--both tears of relentless joy and sorrow. I can't move people to tears with my words like she can.

Maybe it's just not my gift. But who cares. It's my life and I'll blog if I want to.

I've been missing my home lately. I even had a dream about driving around Fort Worth and I woke up frustrated to see I was back in Colorado. My dad hates that I just can't get over it. I can't really explain why I love it so much. It's hot. It's humid. There's no pretty scenery. Traffic sucks. Drivers suck (although, I do too and I purposefully keep my Texas driver habits to hold on to something from home). It takes forever to go anywhere.

But it's also where I grew up. Where I made the best friends of my life. Where God blessed me with an amazing church family. I had no idea how hard it was to find one of those until I left. Sorry dad. Colorado is great but my heart will forever be in Fort Worth.

I love looking through the facebooks of my friends who still are blessed to experience McKinney as I did. Secretly, I was afraid what would happen to the youth group once my class left because we just seemed so epic. HA! Why did I worry? It's far from perfect but God has always been the center of that youth group and that's not going to change anytime soon.

My wonderful friends at McKinney, I stalk you. I love seeing how God is moving. It gives me hope. You will always be my family.

As you can see, I struggle with living in the past. I'm working on it. But I have made amazing friends and memories in Denver as well. I wouldn't trade them for the world. I have grown so much here, especially in the past 8 or so months and I know this is where God wants me to be right now.

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