Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So I'm reading this book right now called Radical by David Platt. I'm only halfway through but it's probably the best Christian book I've ever read. It provides challenge after challenge but also is extremely encouraging. I recommend it to everyone!!

A major point of the book is as Christians, God's heart for the world should translate to our heart for the world. Not just for where we live or a certain country but the whole world and the people inside it! Jesus and his disciples traveled far and wide to reach people in different countries and cultures to share the gospel and that's what all Christians should do. It's not that certain Christians are "called" to do missions overseas while the rest should sit in our nice suburban homes and send them money and prayer. We don't all have to move overseas to reach people in other nations, so it's time to pray and ask God how we can spread his gospel to the ends of the earth in our daily lives! Whether it be short-term missions, collecting Bibles to send to different places, discipling... with God, the possibilities are endless.

This book has also changed the way I look for a church. I'm used to a considerably large church and I loved growing up in it so naturally, the size of the church mattered in my search. However, the author, David Platt, talks about how focused our culture has become obsessed with megachurches and trying to bring as much people through the building as possible. But Jesus was a minichurch leader. He discipled 12 men and when people asked him what it took to get to heaven, he didn't say, "Pray this prayer, go to church, tithe, maybe work in the nursery if you feel like it." No way. He said to sell their possessions and give to the poor! To deny themselves and find their identity in Him! To let God completely and utterly transform you into a new person, even if that means losing your friends, family, and whatever else that must be secondary to following Christ.

Most people don't like to hear this. I don't really, either. But the most joyful and content people have followed Christ in this way. Given up everything they have to learn and teach the gospel. I have several friends who quit college to move overseas and spread the gospel! They are among the most amazing and wonderfully joyous people I know. Because they are going and making disciples and leaving behind the cushy, American-dream life so many of us fall prey to.

Don't worry, I haven't ruined the whole book for you! This is just a couple key points that have impacted me a lot... and I'm only halfway through! Go read it. Right now. It's awesome. You can borrow my copy if you like :)

God, transform me and my heart to follow you! Give me a heart for the whole world and the people in it!

Ironically, I just checked Twitter and this is what one of my friends wrote:

When called, one often offers God a list of excuses. First, God isn't surprised and Second, He doesn't change His mind.

Monday, August 8, 2011


God isn't just this cute old man who sits up in heaven loving everyone. Yes, he is loving but he's also strong and powerful and perfect. He has the power to change people and give them strength and peace in HUGE ways. Faith in the powerful God is much more than knowing he loves everyone. It's believing in his power that is more incredible than anyone can imagine. It's something to be feared, respected, and taken seriously.

God is not wimpy. God is not some fictional character who comes alive only in our minds. He is more real than you and me. He knows all, loves all (except sin), and is above all. He is king of everything and yet we tend to belittle him--sometimes without even realizing we're doing so.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


My new dream ... Semester at Sea!!!

A friend of mine told me about it earlier this year and another friend said she was hoping to go next summer. So naturally, given my dream to be on a cruise ship and love of traveling, I looked it up.

And fell in love.

Mid-June to mid-August, 7 countries, 9-12 credits, about $13,000-$14,000. Yes please!!! I have already started planning, budgeting, researching, and basically everything else I can think of right now. I am so excited!! I could spend my 21st birthday in EUROPE or AFRICA!!! AHH!!!

What are the 7 destinations, you ask? Well... if you count the Bahamas where we embark, it's actually 8 :) Then it's Barcelona, Spain; Civitavecchia / Naples (Rome), Italy; Dubrovnik, Croatia; Piraeus (Athens), Greece; Alexandria, Egypt; Istanbul, Turkey; and finally Casablanca, Morocco before we head home to the states via Boston, MA. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE PLACES are on my lst of places to go before I die!!!


Where did this sudden dream come from?

Like I said, I just came across it this morning looking it up online and I fell in love. At first, I got discouraged that I could never experience something as awesome as this. Then I kept thinking... Why not? What better time than in college when you can get a loan for school? Why not take advantage of that and TRAVEL at the same time? I've been so tired of mediocrity in my life lately. Instead of sitting around, moping about how predictable and mundane my life is, I'm going to do something about it. I'm going to school on a BOAT! Not very many other people can say that! (Except those who have gone through this program as well, at least)

I know it's going to be hard. I know it's going to take a LOT of planning and money to be able to go. Trust me, I've been going over it all. Plane tickets to the Bahamas. Hotel for the night in the Bahamas. Will I go alone? Will my mom come? Will I have to pay for her ticket? Will I go with my friend who may go on the same voyage? I have to renew my passport. I have to apply for work study and scholarships. I have to APPLY. I have to save and budget like never before.

I can do it. I finally have a DREAM! I have something to work towards and look forward to!!

God, it's up to your provision now! I would love to experience more of this world you have given to us to learn about and meet more of your creation in different countries!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


This is my really good friend Abby. One thing you have to know about her--she is the most joyful person I know because she is completely in love with her Savior. THAT is exactly what makes her absolutely beautiful inside and out. I hope to be like her in this way.

Today is my 20th birthday and instead of being crazy excited like usual, I've had a tough issue weighing on my heart. What is the point of life? I haven't found my passion (for Abby, it's missions photography and she absolutely adores it!) and that bothers me. What am I here for? Why can't I find something that excites me and gives me a purpose?

I read the first half of Ecclesiastes this morning. I didn't really want to at first... I was afraid it would make me feel even more frustrated with the meaninglessness of life. Boy, was I wrong! I found joy in the midst of these few seemingly joyless chapters. Yes, everything in life is meaningless. Especially compared to the glory of God. So what shall we do with life then?

Enjoy it!

For a while, this answer bothered me. It seemed like the only way anyone really enjoyed life was through drinking, partying, and basically anything that gave pleasure in the moment only to be followed by regret, remorse, and guilt. I'm not too fond of any of the above. Am I doomed to live a joyless life?

On the contrary! I realized the most fun I've had in my life was in high school when my best friends and I did crazy things (example: tortilla-ing another friend's car... it's exactly as it sounds) and we didn't have to disobey God to do it! I look back on all those memories with fondness--not regret.

Maybe this is my new passion in life. To enjoy myself in a way that's pleasing to God! And to show others that having a great life can be pleasing to God and lived without regrets. I love reading and being with friends and even watching TV. I ADORE having my own apartment and decorating it and shopping. All of these things bring me joy! Are the meaningless? Yes. They won't secure my place in heaven or make my life any more memorable when I'm gone. Do I care? No! These are all gifts from God meant for me to enjoy.

But above all, feeling close to God and bringing Him joy through my life brings me joy. THIS, however, isn't meaningless in the least!

So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God. For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from Him? ~ Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Blessed. So so blessed. McKinney will always be my home. I look at pictures of Stampede going on this week (it's an annual middle school outreach that always ends up being EVERYONE's favorite week of the summer) and my heart is full. I love Stampede! God bless Jeff and the rest of the staff for coming up with the idea years ago... it has blossomed to be a phenomenon!!! Day 3 hasn't even started yet and 13 kids already accepted Christ!!! AHHH!!!! God is Amazing :) My heart aches to be there with them, decked out in some crazy color and acting insane along with hundreds of middle school kids. But I am there in spirit and prayer. Keep it up God, let your FAME be the center of this week!!! :)

To get a feel of this amazing, God-centered week, go here: and join with me in prayer for these beloved middle schoolers!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011