Tuesday, July 26, 2011


My new dream ... Semester at Sea!!!

A friend of mine told me about it earlier this year and another friend said she was hoping to go next summer. So naturally, given my dream to be on a cruise ship and love of traveling, I looked it up.

And fell in love.

Mid-June to mid-August, 7 countries, 9-12 credits, about $13,000-$14,000. Yes please!!! I have already started planning, budgeting, researching, and basically everything else I can think of right now. I am so excited!! I could spend my 21st birthday in EUROPE or AFRICA!!! AHH!!!

What are the 7 destinations, you ask? Well... if you count the Bahamas where we embark, it's actually 8 :) Then it's Barcelona, Spain; Civitavecchia / Naples (Rome), Italy; Dubrovnik, Croatia; Piraeus (Athens), Greece; Alexandria, Egypt; Istanbul, Turkey; and finally Casablanca, Morocco before we head home to the states via Boston, MA. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE PLACES are on my lst of places to go before I die!!!


Where did this sudden dream come from?

Like I said, I just came across it this morning looking it up online and I fell in love. At first, I got discouraged that I could never experience something as awesome as this. Then I kept thinking... Why not? What better time than in college when you can get a loan for school? Why not take advantage of that and TRAVEL at the same time? I've been so tired of mediocrity in my life lately. Instead of sitting around, moping about how predictable and mundane my life is, I'm going to do something about it. I'm going to school on a BOAT! Not very many other people can say that! (Except those who have gone through this program as well, at least)

I know it's going to be hard. I know it's going to take a LOT of planning and money to be able to go. Trust me, I've been going over it all. Plane tickets to the Bahamas. Hotel for the night in the Bahamas. Will I go alone? Will my mom come? Will I have to pay for her ticket? Will I go with my friend who may go on the same voyage? I have to renew my passport. I have to apply for work study and scholarships. I have to APPLY. I have to save and budget like never before.

I can do it. I finally have a DREAM! I have something to work towards and look forward to!!

God, it's up to your provision now! I would love to experience more of this world you have given to us to learn about and meet more of your creation in different countries!


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