Tuesday, July 19, 2011


This is my really good friend Abby. One thing you have to know about her--she is the most joyful person I know because she is completely in love with her Savior. THAT is exactly what makes her absolutely beautiful inside and out. I hope to be like her in this way.

Today is my 20th birthday and instead of being crazy excited like usual, I've had a tough issue weighing on my heart. What is the point of life? I haven't found my passion (for Abby, it's missions photography and she absolutely adores it!) and that bothers me. What am I here for? Why can't I find something that excites me and gives me a purpose?

I read the first half of Ecclesiastes this morning. I didn't really want to at first... I was afraid it would make me feel even more frustrated with the meaninglessness of life. Boy, was I wrong! I found joy in the midst of these few seemingly joyless chapters. Yes, everything in life is meaningless. Especially compared to the glory of God. So what shall we do with life then?

Enjoy it!

For a while, this answer bothered me. It seemed like the only way anyone really enjoyed life was through drinking, partying, and basically anything that gave pleasure in the moment only to be followed by regret, remorse, and guilt. I'm not too fond of any of the above. Am I doomed to live a joyless life?

On the contrary! I realized the most fun I've had in my life was in high school when my best friends and I did crazy things (example: tortilla-ing another friend's car... it's exactly as it sounds) and we didn't have to disobey God to do it! I look back on all those memories with fondness--not regret.

Maybe this is my new passion in life. To enjoy myself in a way that's pleasing to God! And to show others that having a great life can be pleasing to God and lived without regrets. I love reading and being with friends and even watching TV. I ADORE having my own apartment and decorating it and shopping. All of these things bring me joy! Are the meaningless? Yes. They won't secure my place in heaven or make my life any more memorable when I'm gone. Do I care? No! These are all gifts from God meant for me to enjoy.

But above all, feeling close to God and bringing Him joy through my life brings me joy. THIS, however, isn't meaningless in the least!

So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God. For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from Him? ~ Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

1 comment:

  1. you have such a beautiful heart & whenever I look at you, I know the Lord is going to take you places & use you! You are going far sweetie. . .especially with that joyful spirit you always have (even in the midst of tough situations). & I must say. . .you are the most joyful person I know. I adore you. (:
