Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exhibit A

I always thought it was weird to "get to know yourself." You are yourself. You know pretty much everything about yourself, except why you feel certain things at certain times. I know God knows more about myself than I do, but I thought that was always just because He does understand why I feel certain things at certain times.

Then when you "learn" stuff about yourself, how are you supposed to feel? Usually more confident. But you usually already know all the stuff you just "learned" about yourself. So really, "learning" about yourself is looking at yourself in a way where you can be ok with who you are and what you're all about.

Self-confidence is a funny thing. I always have been afraid of seeming like I think I'm way cooler than I really am and have people set me straight through mockery or ignoring my presence. But really, I know I'm a goof. I know I say the wrong things sometimes and look like a complete idiot. So what? I'm me and wishing I was someone else has never really helped my self-pity or non-self-confidence. Might as well be as me as I can be.

I love how I say all these things but sometimes completely forget and let myself fade to the background.

It's late so this probably doesn't make any sense. But I don't really care what you think -- welcome to my confusing brain. It's like this 24/7. Except I think more in scenes so putting it into words doesn't work all that well sometimes.... this post is Exhibit A.

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